Saturday, April 5, 2008

I Am God’s Will

I know...a bold statement...

I taught a group last night and included a perspective on “God’s Will,” and today I am the one that is being taught.

I have prayed each day of my life, for as long as I can remember to know God’s will for me that particular day. “Dear God, SHOW me Your will today. Make it clear to me, so I do not miss it.” That kind of thing. I had found a clip (I believe it was from Oswald Chambers...) that brought a very unique perspective –and for me, clarity—to this thing of “His will.” The fact of the matter is, that if we are committing fully to our relationship with God, if we are surrendering fully to Him each day, then –get this—we ARE His will. We become His will.

For me, that means I want to be in a walk so intimate with God…that I want to be so Christlike... that He sees me so fully surrendered to him as Christ was on the cross…that the only things I do are His will.

Something to think about. Something to reach for, not yet attained. But certainly better than wondering daily what—if anything—God has for me this day…