Sunday, September 28, 2008

God Was There...

What an amazing wonderful weekend God just gave me. A gift that only He could have orchestrated. Through circumstances that were clearly beyond a person’s planning, He brought me back to Wichita for a hugely packed, wonderful, emotional, healing, worshiping, energizing and never-to-forget weekend. To think that he took me back to a church where God grew and shaped me in and for ministry, to see so many people I love once again, and to have the privilege to speak to them from God’s Truth, brought deepest gratitude beyond words.

I am sitting in the Wichita Mid-Continent Airport waiting to board my flight home, and many “pictures” keep running through my mind of these three great days. That God would take me there exactly 20 years from the time I first went to Central Community Church, and then on exactly seven years to the DAY (that I left there) at that. That was a huge part of it. That I had the chance to have time with a few people that matter much to me to talk and share…that was another part for the blessing. (I SO wish there would have been more time for that!) Speaking to a Saturday night worship service, and seeing so many from the choir come out to say hello and to support me…wow. But I believe the depth of His love for me and my heart was to have been sitting in the main sanctuary when the choir began rehearsing what has to be my favorite choral worship song of all time, “God is Here” did me in. The orchestra, the choir, all together in the room that I came originally to serve Him in…and THAT song on THAT day…what's with THAT??? God truly showed me He loves me as His own, and He was not done with surprises for me, his child. He was there.

My life is overflowing with love for him (and for Michelle, who I cannot WAIT to get back home to!) and I know He is not done yet. What an amazing God we serve.

Thank you John, staff, and my family and friends of Central Community Church, for inviting me back to water the relationship after seven years. Truly…a year of “jubilee” for me.

Gotta get on board…I'm coming, Keefer and Mic!
The message is HERE.


Benjamin said...

Glad to hear you had a great weekend Uncle David. I, too, miss that church and all the great people that I remember from there, though I'm sure now I won't remember any of their faces and maybe only a few names, with my horrible memory. Wish I could've been there to hear you speak. Tell Aunt Michelle I said hello!


Unknown said...

That is so cool David. I'm glad you were able to connect with loved ones......

Have a fabulous week!

stella butler

Beverly Claridge said...

Hello, David!

From what you've written and what I've heard from folks back in Wichita, it was a fantastic weekend! Somehow makes Wichita seem really far from way down here. (I guess it is really.) I'm glad to hear it was so rewarding weekend for all involved.


brassylady said...

It was so good to be able to see you for a few minutes before I left for Africa. Our trip was wonderful! I can't believe I've been there and back.
While we were there it was so great to hear from people who sent birthday wishes to me and I want to thank you for being one of those.
I'm sure you are as happy to be back with Michelle as I am to be back with Fred. Fred has been showering me with flowers, love and attention since I've been back.
Fred enjoyed getting to work with you again. As soon I as I get some time I'm going to watch the video of the service; I heard it was great!
Tell Michelle hi for me and thanks again for coming to Wichita for even just a short time!