Sunday, December 28, 2008

Amazed All Over Again

I think Steve Jobs and Apple got the idea from God: hold your cards close, unveil something pretty cool every so often, so everyone has a chance to take it in, enjoy it, and keep wondering if there will ever be an end to imagination, creativity and wonder. Only God doesn't need the sales. He's into it for our sheer enjoyment...

So we’ve had all the great stuff from the Hubble Space Telescope over the years; pictures of planetary nebulae and other assorted astronomical wonders, you’d think we just got used to it. Then a “new” (5 years in orbit) probe named, the Spitzer Space Telescope stumbles on this: W5. (I think it should stand for “WOW-times-5”).

W5 is a nebula (which is a giant cloud of dust and gas) that is in the constellation of Cassiopeia. Yep, we are seeing light tonight that left its point of origin some 6,000 years ago. What’s amazing about this ‘thing” is that in this one “small” space of the universe, we have an explosion of a dying star (or more than one) creating a mess of dust and gas that, at the same time is birthing new, hot young stars (the youngest/hottest are at the “tips of the fingers” in this image). The bluer ones in the open spaces of the “heart” are the older ones. The brightest, whitest areas are the highest concentration of new young star nurseries. So we have death bringing life…right before our very eyes.

Steve Jobs, I am an Apple fan, and love what you do…but keep trying as you might, God’s got you cornered…

Click here for a larger image.

Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Harvard-Smithsonian CfA

1 comment:

Beverly C said...

This is wonderful!!! I'm a big hubble site fan. In fact, their images is what has helped inspire my next series of paintings, "Ephemeral Perception". When I look at this image here and the fantastic Hubble images, I am amazed that the God who created all this cares so much for me that he sent His Son to die for me! I am humbled! Thanks, David, for the great pix and words.
